Home (re) Insurance Latin America 2023 Allianz Risk Barometer

2023 Allianz Risk Barometer

1 min read

What are the major risks businesses face in 2023?

Dear iNLIP member / follower,

We would like to invite you to participate in the annual Allianz Risk Barometer survey.

This study provides an overview of the most important risks that companies face in various industries and regions, both today and in the future.

We greatly appreciate your input to this research, by taking part in our brief survey.


Take part in the 2023 Allianz Risk Barometer Survey


The survey results will be published on agcs.allianz.com in January 2023.

If you have any questions about the Allianz Risk Barometer please feel free to contact AGCS Ibero/LatAm Communications: agcs_iberolatam@allianz.com or AGCS Global Communications: agcs.communication@allianz.com

Thank you very much for your consideration and I hope you are able to participate in this survey.

With kind regards,

AGCS Ibero/LatAm / iNLIP

Allianz Risk Barometrer 2022

Allianz Risk Barometrer 2021

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