Home (re) Insurance Latin America Insuralex´s Latin American members awarded by Chambers in Miami

Insuralex´s Latin American members awarded by Chambers in Miami

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Miami Chambers Latin America Awards 2023 

Insuralex is glad to announce that an important number of its Latin American law firms have been awarded by Chambers Latin America in Miami.

The Chambers Latin America Awards 2023 are the awards that recognise, pre – eminence in key practice areas, impressive strategic growth and excellence in client service.

The awards draw on the research for Chambers Latin America 2023 and are in recognition of the outstanding performance of firms in their respective countries or regions where they are active.


Chambers and Partners Insuralex´s members awarded “Law firm of the Year” 2023:  

Insuralex Bolivia (Moreno Baldivieso)

Insuralex Costa Rica (BLP)

Insuralex Colombia (Brigard Urrutia)

Insuralex Ecuador (Pérez, Bustamante & Ponce)

Insuralex Uruguay (Ferrere)

Insuralex Venezuela (D’Empaire)


About Insuralex: 

Founded in 2002, Insuralex is a worldwide network with more than 50 independent law firms that specialize in insurance and reinsurance coverage, defense, litigation, regulatory and corporate matters, and related legal services. Its members work for a wide range of clients including insurance and reinsurance companies, Lloyd’s syndicates, insurance, and reinsurance brokers as well as captives and self-insured companies. Each member firm of Insuralex is a leader in its national or state jurisdiction on issues related to insurance and reinsurance.

Insuralex is particularly recognized in complex claims that require a high specialization and that have an international component that requires specialized knowledge in diverse jurisdictions. Its members are also recognized for providing legal advice to the insurance industry on corporate and regulatory matters.

With more than 20 years of continuous growth, Insuralex has become the world’s leading insurance and reinsurance network with a highly recognized recommendation from our partners and clients within the insurance and reinsurance industry.

Insuralex Latin American insurance law practice covers countries such as: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and Venezuela.


  • Cyber and Data Protection
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Financial Institutions
  • Directors & Officers
  • Marine
  • Mining, Industrials & Power (Energy)
  • Personal Injury
  • Product Liability, Recall and Mass tort
  • Professional Liability (including medical malpractice)
  • Property
  • Reinsurance
  • Aviation
  • Claims Handling
  • Contractor’s all risk
  • Environmental
  • Fraud
  • General liability
  • International Arbitration
  • Life and health


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