2019´s most popular iNLIP Latin American Insurance Articles
(From January 2019 to August 2019)
2019 is another challenging year for the Latin American Insurance market as the industry continues to be rocked by many disasters and uncertain political landscapes in some Latin American countries.
Here, iNLIP looks back over the last months of the year and the articles that have been most popular with our readers:
iNLIP, proud Media Partner of FIDES Bolivia 2019
When Catastrophe Strikes: The Cost of Business Interruption by Lowers Forensics
Insurance industry hot topics in 2018
A contingency plan stress test by ADVANTA
Chubb Names Marcos Gunn Senior Vice President, Chubb Group and Regional President, Latin America
Insuralex Seminar: (Re) Insurance underwriting regulatory and claims issues in Latin America
2019 Miami Reinsurance Week | Events and discounts