2023 Lloyd´s Miami Meet the Market /Miami reinsurance Week
IMPORTANT NOTE: Attendance is free of charge, but it is restricted to Lloyd’s underwriters, distribution partners and senior executives from the local and regional (re)insurance market.
Hank Watkins, Regional Director & President, Americas Lloyd’s:
I am delighted to confirm the date and venue for our Miami Meet the Market 2023 event.
The event will take place on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 from 15:00 to 18:00 local time, at the Hyatt Regency Miami.
As per usual, our traditional Meet the Market event format, will include a showcase of recreating our famous Lloyd’s Underwriting Room.
Fifteen “boxes” have already been secured, hosted by syndicate underwriters and coverholders representing multiple classes of business at Lloyd’s.
Attendance is free of charge, but it is restricted to Lloyd’s underwriters, distribution partners and senior executives from the local and regional (re)insurance market.
Thank you, we look forward to see you there.
Hank Watkins
Regional Director & President, Americas
Contact Lloyd´s for registrations and more details.
Why attend? The Miami Reinsurance Week is the most important Miami networking week of the year for the Latin American Insurance Industry.
Miami has become a (re) insurance hub for Latin America. It hosts the regional headquarters of many (re) insurance carriers and brokers and its current capacity for the region rivals that of the Lloyd’s of London. Miami has also become a preferred destination for Latin American clients that go on roadshows given the language capabilities and cultural affinity with the region.
During the Miami (re) Insurance Week, insurance professionals from different countries travel to Miami in order to participate in insurance seminars, golf tournaments, cocktails, meetings and other insurance related events.
If you check the 2023 February month at the iNLIP calendar you will see almost all of the 2023 Miami (re) Insurance Week events. For updates, please check the calendar every week. (We will include more as soon as they are launched)
Please bear in mind that every company organizes its own event and usually registration is required.
(IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This information has been prepared by iNLIP, independent Network of Latam Insurance Professionals as a general guide only and does not constitute an invitation. If you have not been invited to the events yet, you should directly ask your contacts at the company as we are talking about private events and they decide who are -or are not- invited. iNLIP is not responsible for changes or cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances)
2023 Miami (re) Insurance Week Calendar