The industry’s longest established Miami (re) insurance forum
This year’s event offers the perfect opportunity to meet with leading industry players, discuss the key takeaways, and evaluate the lessons learned from a highly eventful year for the Latin American market.
Develop new business relationships and discover opportunities at the premium event for the Latin America insurance and reinsurance industry.
Meet with leading insurers, reinsurers, brokers, loss adjusters, insurance experts and law firms in Miami, for two days of networking and expert speaker sessions.
New! Latin American based insurers attend for free! *
* Places are offered on a complementary basis to insurers who are headquartered in Latin America only. Offer is not retrospective and applies to new registrations only. Offer is at the discretion of Euromoney and can be withdrawn at any time.
“Highly recommended! The conference is a must attend for Latin America & Caribbean reinsurance practitioners – it provides a one-stop setting for ceding companies, reinsurers, intermediaries and service providers to come one roof in order to exchange opinions and ideas about the market and its trends.” Tony Matta, Head of Facultative – Central America and Caribbean, Willis Towers Watson
“The only formally organized event focused on Miami markets’ Latin American efforts” Ron Díaz, Senior Vice President, Latin America, Caribbean, Africa and Middle East Operations, Everest Re
“An excellent opportunity to keep abreast of LatAm market development” Federico Baroglio, Head of Group Reinsurance Latin America, Generali
“Great opportunity to connect with top management of Latam companies” Angelo Colombo, President & CEO, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty South America
“ If you do business in Latam, this is an event you can’t afford to miss. Excellent networking opportunities and first class speakers” Akira Ensiki, President, United Americas Insurance Co
“A very focused event with good attendance from senior executives” Lee Bacon, Partner, Clyde & Co
“Good opportunity to network and understand opportunities in LatAm” Avery Michaelson, Vice President, Insurance & Pension Solutions, Société Générale
“I have been attending the conference for the last 3 years and every time the conference meets my expectations in respect of quality and quantity. Great event” Paulo Hayakawa, Chief Underwriting Officer, Terra Brasis Resseguros
“Excellent event for all of the Latin America insurance and reinsurance market” Andrés Posada, Vice President, JLT Re Colombia
More information about the Miami 7th Annual Latin American Insurance & Reinsurance Forum:
To register, and for any queries about the event, please contact: Alia Fakim at alia.fakim@euromoneyplc.com
For speaking opportunities, please contact: James Croissant at james.croissant@euromoneyplc.com
For sponsorship opportunities, please contact: Goran Pandzic at gpandzic@euromoneyny.com