Home (re) Insurance Latin America 2019 LIMRA LOMA Latin American Conference | Argentina

2019 LIMRA LOMA Latin American Conference | Argentina

3 min read

New Perspectives and Innovations for the Future of Insurance

iNLIP, independent Network of Latam Insurance Professionals, proud Media Partner of the 2019 LIMRA LOMA Latin American Conference | Argentina

Specifically designed for CEOs and senior executives doing business in the Latin American region, attendees will receive access to exclusive research, insights, and predictions for the future, along with plenty of time to network with your most respected peers.

Who Attends

Head office chief executives and key executives of financial services companies operating in Latin America. As senior executives, they are most concerned about emerging trends and developments in marketing, distribution and corporate management.


Join us in Mendoza, Argentina, where we will bring together leading leaders in the life and pension insurance industries of Latin America. You will benefit from:

  • New perspectives: Gain fresh insights from both peers and speakers on the top of mind issues that keep executives up at night.
  • Networking and camaraderie: Share experiences and ideas with senior leaders worldwide.
  • Knowledge and insight: Learn about the latest trends and issues affecting the industry in Latin America. Benefit from the insight and success strategies from leading financial services practitioners and industry experts.

Keynote Speakers:

Ty R. Sagalow
Founding Member of Lemonade

Ty Sagalow is a founding member of Lemonade, the first fully licensed and regulated InsurTech insurance carrier in the United States. He will share his first-hand experiences from the Lemonade story, including how it was formed and how it became a fully regulated insurance company that redefined the industry in less than two years.

Santiago Kovadloff
Essayist, Poet, and Author

Santiago Kovadloff is a multi-award winning essayist, poet, author of children’s stories and translator of Portuguese literature. He is a corresponding member of the Royal Spanish Academy, a member of the National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and a permanent collaborator for the Buenos Aires newspaper, La Nación.

Registrations 2019 LIMRA LOMA Latin American Conference, Argentina

Agenda 2019 LIMRA LOMA Latin American Conference, Argentina

Speakers 2019 LIMRA LOMA Latin American Conference, Argentina

About 2018 LIMRA LOMA Latin American Conference | New York

About iNLIP, independent Network of Latin American Insurance Professionals 

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