Home (re) Insurance Latin America Free report: Anti-money laundering and terrorism finance controls

Free report: Anti-money laundering and terrorism finance controls

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Insuralex 2023 report: Anti-money laundering and terrorism finance controls – Obligations of Insurance Intermediaries

Insuralex presents a comparative report that analyzes the role of insurance intermediaries in complying with anti-money laundering and terrorism finance controls in the insurance industry. This report is presented by Insuralex as a contribution to the Pan-American Confederation of Insurance Producers (COPAPROSE), as part of it 2023 annual meeting (Panama, June 28th and 29th, 2023). The report is presented in Spanish and English. 


Download the report:

Anti-money laundering and terrorism finance controls – Obligations of Insurance Intermediaries


Neftalí Garro, Former Insuralex´s President


About Insuralex:

Founded in 2002, Insuralex is a worldwide network with more than 50 independent law firms that specialize in insurance and reinsurance coverage, defense, litigation, regulatory and corporate matters, and related legal services. Its members work for a wide range of clients including insurance and reinsurance companies, Lloyd’s syndicates, insurance, and reinsurance brokers as well as captives and self-insured companies. Each member firm of Insuralex is a leader in its national or state jurisdiction on issues related to insurance and reinsurance.

Insuralex is particularly recognized in complex claims that require a high specialization and that have an international component that requires specialized knowledge in diverse jurisdictions. Its members are also recognized for providing legal advice to the insurance industry on corporate and regulatory matters.

With 20 years of continuous growth, Insuralex has become the world’s leading insurance and reinsurance network with a highly recognized recommendation from our partners and clients within the insurance and reinsurance industry.

Insuralex Latin American insurance law practice covers countries such as: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.


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