Home (re) Insurance Latin America (Re) Insurance underwriting regulatory and claims issues in Latin America | Lloyd´s Insuralex

(Re) Insurance underwriting regulatory and claims issues in Latin America | Lloyd´s Insuralex

5 min read

This panel of Latin American insurance law experts, all members of the worldwide legal network Insuralex (www.insuralex.com), will provide the attendees with an update on Latin American underwriting, regulatory and legal issues.

The speakers will summarise the status of each Latin American (LatAm) jurisdiction from different angles to give the audience an idea of the current situation of the insurance & reinsurance market in this region.

The topics to be discussed are the following:

  • LatAm from a political and economic stand point
  • (re) insurance regulations – evolution and trends
  • handling claims – key issues to have in mind
  • new trends and business opportunities
  • impact of Brexit in LatAm
  • sanction clauses
  • litigation vs. arbitration


Audience: Underwriters, claims, wording, legal, compliance and regulatory personnel

Event details:

Tuesday 29 May
15.30 – 17.00
Old Library, Lloyd’s
London EC3M 7HA

CDP: This masterclass qualifies for 1.5 CII CPD hours

More information, speakers and registration


Insuralex is a group created by independent law firms that specialise in Insurance and Reinsurance coverage, defence, litigation and all other related legal services.

Globalisation and changes in the world wide Insurance market enable Insurers and Reinsurers to market their products across national borders in a growing global economy

See Insuralex Insurance Law members

Different local laws and procedures may affect the conduct of insurance business on a cross-border basis and this is evident in the handling of international or multinational claims. An Insurer can navigate these complexities by using a group of lawyers from different jurisdictions who are each specialised in their respective national insurance and reinsurance law systems but who are also affiliated to work with each other.

Insuralex works for a wide range of clients including insurance and reinsurance companies, Lloyd’s syndicates, insurance and reinsurance brokers as well as captives and self insured companies.

Each member of Insuralex is considered to be a leading practice in this specialist field within its national jurisdiction.







REGISTRATION: (Re) Insurance underwriting regulatory and claims issues in Latin America | Lloyd´s

Related information: Insuralex Annual General Meeting 2018 seminar: “Insurance 2018- Embracing Risk and Opportunity”


About the Lloyd’s Market Association

The Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA) represents the interests of the Lloyd’s community, providing professional and technical support to our members. All managing and members’ agents at Lloyd’s are full members, who together manage a gross premium income of around £32 billion per annum. Through the LMA, their interests are represented wherever decisions need to be made that affect the market.

The purpose of the LMA is to identify and resolve issues which are of particular interest to the Lloyd’s market. We work in partnership with the Corporation of Lloyd’s and other market-related associations to influence the course of future market initiatives.

Our agenda is driven by and on behalf of our members – many of whose staff freely give up their time to participate on our committees and business panels, as well as other groups who are essential to the strength of the association.

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