Home (re) Insurance Latin America RTS International Loss Adjusters will share their knowledge and experience at the Willis Towers Watson 2018 Latin American Natural Resources seminars

RTS International Loss Adjusters will share their knowledge and experience at the Willis Towers Watson 2018 Latin American Natural Resources seminars

4 min read

RTS will participate as a panelist and sponsor in the 2018 Latin American Natural Resources seminars of Willis Towers Watson that will take place next week in Mexico City and Bogotá.

The theme of the conference goes around “The Changing Face of Natural Resources Risk” facing the statement that the one constant in our industry is change: changes in technology, in the political climate, in commodity prices and in risk management strategies and methodologies.

However, are the Natural Resources industries in LATAM keeping up with these changes? Are overall risks costs being managed as effectively as possible? Can today’s Risk Managers add more value to their companies by adopting more sophisticated solutions that perhaps have been unavailable to them in the past?

All these questions will be answered at the seminars, where Juan Guillermo Uribe, RTS Regional Director, will participate on May 22th in Bogota at the Loss Adjuster panel roundtable discussion regarding “Complex Claims” subject.

Juan Miguel Álvarez, RTS Director in Mexico, will participate on May 24th in the same panel discussion in Mexico City.

The agenda is likely to include as well diverse range of topics, including construction, energy, catastrophic risks, cyber risk, environmental risk, the geopolitical situation in Latin America, etc. As in previous years, the events will feature various industry leaders in risk management and insurance, key underwriter personnel from the Latin American and London markets.

Relevant insurance professionals from Scor, Talbot, Mapfre, Swiss Re, Starr, Liberty, Allianz, Munich Re, Inbursa, AIG, GNP seguros,   among others will share their knowlege and experience in Latin America.

A team of RTS executives will be present as well during this remarkable annual event to field questions for anyone interested in finding out about the company’s dimensions and the latest developments.


About RTS International Loss Adjusters

RTS International Loss Adjusters has a broad presence in Latin America with offices in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, USA (Miami), Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama and Peru. RTS also has associate offices in the Caribbean area, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.

About Willis Towers Watson:

Willis Towers Watson (NASDAQ: WLTW) is a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company that helps clients around the world turn risk into a path for growth. With roots dating to 1828, Willis Towers Watson has over 40,000 employees serving more than 140 countries.

Willis Towers Watson designs and delivers solutions that manage risk, optimize benefits, cultivate talent, and expand the power of capital to protect and strengthen institutions and individuals.

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