Home (re) Insurance Latin America Save the date: Lloyd´s Miami Meet the Market 2022

Save the date: Lloyd´s Miami Meet the Market 2022

2 min read

We are writing to update you on Lloyd’s plans for our Meet the Market event, which we currently intend to host in person in Miami on February 16, 2022 (3pm to 6pm local time).

Of course, we are mindful of the developing situation with COVID-19 and will continue to monitor public health guidance closely. However, we do want to provide you with as much advance notice and information as we can so that you can develop your plans accordingly.

We intend to host our traditional Meet the Market, whereby we recreate the famous Lloyd’s Underwriting Room with a series of “boxes” hosted by syndicate underwriters and coverholders representing multiple classes of business at Lloyd’s. More than a dozen boxholders have already registered. We would also like to thank Agnew International Inc. and Baalnak for contributing as sponsors.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Attendance is free of charge, but it is restricted to Lloyd’s underwriters, distribution partners and senior executives from the local and regional (re)insurance market.

The purpose of this email is to invite you to register your interest in attending the event in person in Miami next year (local public health rules permitting).

Register interest

Thank you in advance for your interest in attending the Miami Meet the Market. We look forward to greeting you in person.


Daniel Revilla
Regional Head, Latin America and the Caribbean



2021 Report: Liability insurance in Latin America

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